
Xícaras que encantam

 Xícara / chávena coração. #heartDistinctive Art Deco Rosenthal tea cup and saucer.Rosenthal Germany 1934-1956RUSSIAN SILVER AND ENAMEL CUP & SAUCER 1873-1918Helena Wolfsohn Dresden Germany 1870JOHN C. MOORE COIN SILVER CUP AND SAUCER   John C. Moore, New York, New York, circa 1840
MadeliefDIY Anthropologie Coffee Mugs (Drawing on Ceramic with Sharpie)pretty cup and saucerI love this tea cup & pretty. Reminds me of my grandmothers. They loved to have tea parties with me...(via Pinterest)Afternoon Tea by on @deviantARTComtesse du ChocolatSophia's  ChristmasLouças delicadasLouças delicadas

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